Tag Archives: Augusta

Luke Hanson Announced as Interim Executive Director

As of Wednesday, October 15th 2014 Luke Hanson will be Interim Executive Director to the Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation while a search and hiring process for a new Executive Director advances. Hanson has been the Project Manager for the EDC since 2012, and will continue his duties in that role during the transition. The activities of the EDC will continue to focus on business expansion, business recruitment, and critical talent during this transition.

The EDC Board of Directors have formed a Search and Screen Committee and are currently in the process of finding a new Executive Director.

The current Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation’s Executive Director, Brian Doudna, will be the new Executive Director at Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA). Doudna will continue to be at the EDC as an adviser through November 18th, 2014.