Tag Archives: Augusta

Lessons From Startup Weekend

Eau Claire’s very own Startup Weekend is coming up soon! In order to prepare and kick off what will hopefully be an annual event – our very own Patrick was sent off to Kansas City to participate in their Startup Weekend.

Once he came back and rested up from his 54-hours of chaos (fueled by some of their famous BBQ) we couldn’t wait to hear how it went!

He had a great time, very little sleep, and worked with a small group of individuals who developed an app that would notify the user of any events or specials that are occurring within a 100 ft of their cell phone.

Pretty cool right?

While Patrick and his team didn’t win the final presentations (but they did take home the “crowd favorite” award), he came back with some advice for participants in our Startup Weekend.

So – from one participant to another- here’s some tips for you to make the most of your Startup Weekend!

  1. Bring lots of energy and enthusiasm.
  2. Don’t be afraid of pitching your idea for a tech app even if you are not a developer – you might be surprised what is possible.
  3. Be ready to work collaboratively and accept advice from your coaches. Being able to pivot your idea is one of the keys of having a successful product.
  4. Don’t let perfect prevent you from creating your minimum viable product (MVP)

    and last (as well as my personal favorite)

  5. Have fun! From the first pitches, to working with intelligent and interesting people, dedicated coaches, to the final presentations – it’s a great and unique experience.



Want more details about Eau Claire’s Startup Weekend? Make sure you book mark our website: www.ec-startupweekend.com to get the inside scoop on what is coming up!