Tag Archives: Augusta

Eau Claire’s First Startup Weekend Finds a Home

Eau Claire’s First Startup Weekend Finds a Home
at the Lismore Hotel & a JAMF Foundation Donation

The first Eau Claire Startup Weekend, a 54-hour event for developers, designers, marketers, and startup enthusiasts, will be held October 2-4 at the newly renovated Lismore hotel. This event allows the attendees to build a real product with a team that is overseen by a group of mentors, coaches and judges. Startup Weekend inspires and educates individuals on what it takes to create a successful business from the ground up.

Teams are formed around the top ideas that are pitched during the first night, and the weekend culminates into a presentation in front of local entrepreneurs for feedback and the chance to win prizes! Teams are not required to continue working after the event – however there have been several startups that have been the result of teams continuing their work outside of Startup Weekend; one notable example is an app based on the simple idea of sharing food pictures – Foodspotting.

Startup Weekends are a unique opportunity for individuals to explore and learn about entrepreneurship and what it takes to run a startup. The event is 100% led by volunteer community leaders. The goal of Startup Weekend is not to form a startup company that will make the creators millions and be successful beyond the weekend – but to introduce the participants to the reality of what it takes to be an entrepreneur, and to have them network with others in the community who share similar passions.

Partners in the community play a huge role in the success of Startup Weekends. The announcement of the Lismore hosting Startup Weekend – with an in-kind donation of a reduced rental rate – comes on the heels of JAMF Foundation pledging $2,000 towards the event. Patrick Gaetjens, Program Manager at the Eau Claire Area EDC, is excited about the community’s support in this new event.

“We’re thrilled at the outpouring of community support for Startup Weekend. The donation from the JAMF Nation Foundation and the Lismore’s rental discount are just two great examples of how our businesses community supports the entrepreneurial spirit of the region.”

Registration is now open for individuals to register at a discounted rate of $75. Early-bird pricing will continue until August 28th – after that tickets prices will increase to the full cost of $99.

To learn more about this exciting event, visit www.ec-startupweekend.com

To inquire about sponsorship or volunteering – contact Patrick at Patrick.Gaetjens@eauclaire-wi.com